February 23, 2013 – Redwoods and Crescent City, Oregon Coast

North, to Alaska….go North, the rush is on…

But first, North to Crescent City.  There is way too much snow on the ground in Alaska.

Some drive time by the river

It started an off and on rainy morning so we took it slow.  Once on the road, I didn’t get the camera ready in time to get the best shot of the day.  An absolutely awesome view of the mountains rising up into the blue sky with the majestic Redwoods poking through the fluffy white clouds that were blanketing over their tops.

Rest Stop in Eureka Redwood rest stops Beautiful rest stops

Plans were to take it easy for the 80 miles we planned to cross today.  Most of the drive had nice wide lanes, two each way, room on the shoulder for those bike riders for whom we were expected to “share the road”.  The Rest Stops were in the middle of Redwood Forests.

Leaving Garberville Construction and down to one lane Red light, stop

The minute we saw the sign that warned “road work ahead” we knew space was going to become a premium again.  First came the narrow single lanes, then the shoulder disappeared, then the stop light in the middle of the road,  a couple of “active” rock slides covering part of the road and, of course, rain.

Tsunami Hazard Area Coastline First sight of Pacific coast Wrong turn with a view Beautiful beaches The Mystery Trees

Signs marking the Tsunami hazard zones area gave us a hint that the Pacific ocean was ahead.  Slowly we worked our way through the mountains and suddenly the Pacific ocean appeared on our left.  One quick stop at the local tourist trap, Mystery Trees, to see a giant Paul Bunion and his ox Blue and a potty break for the pups.

Our site in Crescent City

Ocean breezes and misty views of the ocean previewed our drive all the way to Crescent City where we pulled into our Redwood studded site and set up for the night.

Noisy Sea Lions everywhere Docks in Crescent City

Went to dinner at a Café on the wharf, surrounded by barking sea lions.

Sunset in Crescent City dusk and KatieBug exploring Pups on the beach

Took the pups to the beach for play time before bed.  Came back to our site and two hoot owls decided to have a conversation far into the night perched on the huge Redwood trees outside our door.  I wanted wildlife…must remenber to be specific and request silent wildlife in the future.