February 24, 2013 – Redwoods to Elk Herd near Brookings

Opened up our door and pow!  Redwoods

Opened up our door this morning to giant Redwoods so tall their tips were hiding beyond our sight.

Yes, John was that close The wharf by the Cafe Swimming Sea Lions

Took a quick driving tour of the town after breakfast at the wharf Café, barking sea lions with putrid fish breath greeting us as we entered.

Crescent City Light House  Scenic ocean drive

Picked up the pups after breakfast and headed to the beach.  The smell of the ocean was soothing with only occasional whiffs of smoke from ocean cottage fireplaces.

John and pups exploring On the beach looking at snow on the mountain John stuck on the rocks

The pups enjoyed discovering each and every tide pool along the shore and had plenty of company from other dogs running free along the sand.  As the tide began to move back in, John got stuck on the rocks and the pups enjoyed visiting him until he was able to jump back onto firm sand.

Large herd of Elk Elks at Elk Crossing Elk herd on Hwy 101 No horn Elk  Elk on the side of the road Moon over the mountain

Took a drive to Brookings, OR where we will be staying for the next two weeks.  After finding a perfect site, we drove home via Elks Valley Road and some wildlife viewing areas.  Even Hwy 101 had herds grazing in the fields.  Tired pups went to sleep as soon as they got into their crates and the owls started up their all night conversations while we got ready for bed.