February 22, 2013 – Avenue of the Giants, Old Growth Redwood Trees

Another grove                    Trying to see the top

Totally enjoyable day for the four of us. A great organic breakfast at a tiny local café, across the street to an eco-friendly hardware store, finding the perfect hand knit gloves that fit my short stubby fingers, finding a great piece of maple paneling to use as a base for our induction burner, spending time with the pups as we drove slowly down winding roads being towered by awe inspiring old growth Redwood trees and stopping to sniff…on the ground for the dogs and in the cool damp redwood scented air for us…along the way.

Up, up and away Ribbit in the grove The river Walk thru tree Walking through Redwood trees

Could not have asked for more gorgeous weather the entire day. Stopped at a kitschy gift shop where Liz and I stopped years ago to take a picture of a chainsaw carved wooden Big Foot.

Big foot, Me and the Pups Wood carvings

Exited off 101 to drive through the Avenue of the Giants where the old growth Redwood tree groves line the road and then another exit off that to drive through the live Chandelier Redwood tree in Liggett.

Ribbit going in Ribbit coming out Pups explore inside the trees Chandelier Drive Through Redwood

Lunch at a local pizza diner then a tour of the Humboldt Redwood State Park Information Center and a walk through the old growth Redwood trail and their amazing Redwood camp ground.

Camp sites Campsite in the state park State park camp sites Humboldt State Park Growing out of old growth

Inside the Center was a Coach built from a cut down piece of Redwood tree by a native of California, Mr. Kellogg.  He used the Coach to travel around the country telling the plight of the old growth Redwoods and encouraging people to save them.  Sadly, they are still under attack.

Inside Redwood Coach Back of Redwood Coach Front of the coach

Got home just in time to get inside the Lilypad before the rain came down. Laundry, dinner a long hot shower and to all a good night.