June 3 through 9, 2013 Me in Fairbanks Alaska/John in Florida

Good old Dr. Seuss.  His words never lose appropriateness, no matter what the age:

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You’re on your own.
And you know what you know.
And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go…

     From: Oh! The Places You Will Go!

Is it morning?  Hard to tell when the sun is up until 11:30pm and then returns a meager few hours later at 4am.  Summer Solstice is June 21st, 24 hours of daylight.  Big celebrations are being held all throughout Alaska.  Getting easier to get to sleep at night but only because we have black out shades and pack foam squares into our skylights and fan vents.  Can’t even imagine how a person survives in the winter with so much darkness, almost a full day cycle, and so much snow.  The cold, on the other hand, I find very easy to love.

John flew out this afternoon to Florida just when the weather cooled off here in Fairbanks.  Now I’ll have my wonderfully cool weather, even though it will be sprinkled with rain, and he’ll be sweat soaked in the heat for the next week.  What a shame that we both have such different ideas of “perfect” weather.  Not planning any site seeing while he’s away but maybe I can catch a picture of that illusive moose if I stay up till the wee, but still very much daylight, hours of the morning.  Still seeing those brown egg droppings, fresh daily, so he’s got to be around here somewhere.

Work again this afternoon.  It is surprising how many Texans travel some 4,200 miles to spend the summer in Alaska.  We have several Texans in the Park this week.  The Park is over half filled now with more arriving each day.  Great for business as long as I don’t get bombarded with questions while trying to check people in and out.  I still don’t know everything about Fairbanks, but I do know that if you are a devout foodie, you will run screaming to Fred Meyers to cook something yourself.

Snore fest about to begin

No work for the next two days.  Plans are to sleep in, relax and catch up on Facebook and emails after the cleaning, grocery shopping and laundry are finished.  KatieBug is glued to me all day except when she is sleeping.  She’s claimed any soft area that she can hop up on to survey her domain before falling into a snore fest.

Work all day Saturday then welcome John back to Alaska in the early evening and get packed and ready for our Denali trip on Monday.  Work all day Sunday, drop KatieBug off at Noah’s Ark Muttessori School and get to sleep early for our train adventure to Denali.