May 15 and 16, 2013 British Columbia Canada to Dawson City

Can you tell we are in Canada

Today, our “just passing through” location is Prince George, British Columbia, Canada and it is truly a beautiful province.  Parked for an overnight in the Treasure Cove Casino lot, dinner at the non-smoking restaurant and a few minutes of gambling in the non-smoking casino before an early-to-bed night.

quick fix shade repair Rock chip and crack

Our “it’s always something” was the bracket that held up both front window shades snapping off and falling in front of my face while I was driving.   John held it up so I could see to pull over.  It is now being held up by zip ties and my cane for an undisclosed amount of time.  A little tacky looking, but what the heck…it works!  Tonight’s “it’s always something” was the generator exhaust pipe brace snapping off but that can wait to be fixed.  Last weeks “it’s always something” was our greatest fear about traveling through Alaska… trucks spitting rocks at our windshield as they sped by.  No longer a fear now that it has become a reality, a truck in Washington spit one up and popped our windshield.  The crack is slowly making its way up the middle but we are going to wait until we return to Texas to have it fixed.  What’s life without some trailer trashy appearance once in a while to keep you grounded and humble?

Elk Rock slides Farm stuff heavy duty truck Moose  Duh

So far on our journey we have seen a multitude of yellow crossing signs and I am amazed at the diversity of the themes.  The regulars, deer, people, elderly and children crossing signs are everywhere but in addition we have seen Elk, Bear, Stag, Turkey’s, Tractors, Cows, Sheep, Ducks, 18 Wheelers, Tumbleweeds, Tsunami’s and one with both a bear and a stag.   Thinking that we’ll see a few more we don’t normally see when arriving in Alaska.  Canadians have several we spotted (logging trucks, Badgers, dump trucks, cement trucks, Caribou, Moose, Reindeer) mostly specific to their own country.  Disappointing that the only animals we have seen in Canada are the ones in the pictures on the signs!

Land of the tall skinny pines Bijoux Falls, Canada Bijoux Falls Green fields Lakes still frozen over Headed to the mountains leaving the land of the tall skinny pines

Not disappointing was the scenery on the way to our next stop, Dawson Creek, Mile 0, Canada.   Across the land of the tall skinny pine trees to the expansive blankets of green fields to the rolling foothills leading up to the mountains summit, without a doubt, gorgeous times ten.