May 4 – 6, 2013 Last Few Days in Eugene

Awakened again by the stomping of little monster feet, this time I counted, 48 times back and forth over our heads and several jumps off the couch onto the floor starting at 8:00 am. I spoke to the front desk again when we left for breakfast. Nothing they can do but move us.  After seven weeks of living here, it would take hours. John walked up to see if it was as loud from the hall and discovered that there are two sets of feet and just as loud in the hall. Twice the noise experience all directly over our heads. Have considered a trip upstairs to tell this guy that pay back is a female dog and his time will come. Guessing that if I do, he is so clueless that my point would be missed when the same happens to him in the future. Saturday Market is again in full swing and we plan to escape from our room and enjoy the peace and quiet of the bustling market just after we take KatieBug for her daily dog park trek.

Late afternoon and temporarily quiet above our heads as the feet and parent are gone, we spent time on the internet looking up things we want to do in Alaska. It is amazing how much activity there is in the summer. It does appear to be easier squeezing in multiple adventures when the daytime sun shines for 18 to 20 hours over dual summer months. Silently thanking Bob Tiffin for having the foresight to add blackout shades to his rigs. They will come in handy when our internal clocks say bed time, but the sun is still out at 10pm.

Morning has broken, along with peaceful nighttime silence and our overhead feet are up and running. No Sunday morning sleep in for us. Off to breakfast with hopes for multiple noisy feet and parent departures in the near future. The rest of the day spent shopping, planning for our move back into Lilypad and taking stock of all our accumulations since living in our temporary home at the Inn. A quick donation run, cooking for KatieBug and relaxing in the first quiet hours we have enjoyed since the end of last week.

Monday morning 8:00 am and blessedly quiet. Trip to the RV to check status and pick up our rental car while Ribbit gets a thorough cleaning inside and out in the morning. Last physical remembrances of Millie, her nose art on the back window, will be gone by tomorrows day end. Our move back in date has almost arrived and we are ready to get back on the road headed towards Alaska.

Before I forget…John and I would love to hear from family and friends. Comments, questions, suggestions or whatever else you care to send is as easy as a click of your mouse, top left corner under the picture of our LilyPad and will reach us post haste.