April 8, 9, 10, 2013 Eugene/Zip-O-Log Mill/RV Repair Progress

Migraine materialized upon waking.  In light of everything that has happened over the previous five weeks, I wonder if the universe is screaming “did ya get the hint yet?”  I never thought the journey was ill planned and certainly not executed in haste.  ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­So is it God telling us that we don’t have the wisdom to know the difference?  Our current goal is to have the RV repaired in enough time to reach Alaska without driving 24/7.  All visits to relatives are sadly a no-go.  Retirement is not the free pass to no hassle living that was imagined.

They say the squeaky wheel gets the grease.  In restaurants, the squeaky wheel gets spit in their food, or so my children keep telling me.  Same procedure, different outcome.  Then there is the claim that patience is a virtue.   In my humble opinion, that must have been said by someone who had no place to go and didn’t care when they got there.

We arrived at the repair shop on Monday at 9:30, the time the mold specialist was to arrive.  At 10:30 we asked that they call him to find out when he would arrive.  He will arrive on Wednesday.  The estimated arrival of the results, Friday.  Another full week of motionless progress.   Then our repair man mentioned that our project manager didn’t really want to take our job.  Hmmm…really?  If his dragging this out isn’t a strong enough hint, what would be?  That big old slug that KatieBug found at the bird sanctuary is moving at the speed of Paul, our service manager.

Lifting logs Refilling the bark stripper

Wednesday morning, again headed to the RV.  A gigantic claw floating across the sky caught our eye when we were just a few blocks from the repair shop.  We stopped to watch lodge poles, think Disney style Wilderness Lodge type, being carefully lowered onto a bark stripper.  Dozens of them cautiously placed on the gravity driven loader and diligently watched by an engineer as they disappeared into the monster machine and came out mostly stripped of their bark, on the other side.  John called Zip-O-Log Mills, home of the gigantic blue monster machine lodge pole maker, shortly ago to inquire about guided tours.  As expected, insurance purposes kept tours from being offered to the public.   Fortunately the best view of the process was from across the street…and free!

The meeting with the mold testing company resulted in several air samples being taken and referral to a professional mold remediation specialist.  We met with the mold remediation specialist back at the RV at noon.  Not too surprising, he is from the Houston area, where companies actually look for the mold, remove it, treat the areas and then repair the damage.  Here in Eugene, home of the moldy street pavement and clumps of mold on roof tops, they simply remove as much damage as they see, paint over it and cover it back up.  Plans are to leave the area this weekend and head for the coast to enjoy the beach for a few days.  Newport is how we spell relief.

This may be our last weekend with Millie.  The cancer diet, vitamins and herbal drops are not working as hoped.  We just started pain meds and she is comfortable most of the time but her comfort level is declining and we do not want her to spend more time in pain than not.  It is time to say good-by.  Not sure how we will get KatieBug to understand.  She has been glued to Millie these last few weeks.   Sweet doggie, you will be missed.